Progressive Education
What is "progressive education"??? Glad you asked!!!!
At Metanoia, here's some basics of what we believe:
Learning is an essential lifelong process, not to be confined to a classroom.
All individuals are both teachers and students. We can ALL learn from one another.
We all learn, reason, and communicate in different ways. Those differences should celebrated, not shunned.
Students should be owners of their education and active participants in their learning.
Teachers are facilitators of activities and guides to the learning process, not the primary source of information and authority.
Parents are a child's first and most important teachers and should be actively involved in the education process.
Knowledge is constructed across disciplines through play, experience, and interactions with the world.
Problem-solving, critical thinking, and effective written and verbal communication are more important than the accumulation of any set of facts.
Success is measured not by an external assessment tool, but by a student's individual progress towards his or her own goals.